We are very pleased to realize and present this published
Newsletter 2014 book. As was the case in previous years, this
Newsletter 2014, in book form, is the result of our systematic gather-
ing of articles, published monthly on our firm’s website. Since 2010,
the considerable attention these publications have attracted from our
business partners, clients, and other legal practitioners, have provided the
impetus to pursue our efforts to further develop and expand our work.
We have not amended our systematic approach as adopted from
our previous years in this Newsletter 2014 book. The enactment of
secondary legislation under statute laws as amended since 2012
continued in 2014. Therefore, articles based on the relevant secondary
legislation are preponderant in this Newsletter publication. In addition
to company Law, Competition Law, Energy Law and Arbitration
Law feature prominently in this publication. The legal developments
section provides global insight into material developments in
international agreements, laws, regulations, communiqués, decisions
of the Competition Board and the Privatization Board, and energy laws
that were passed in 2014, as well as material jurisprudence. We believe
that this section provides a broad overview of the year.
This book is the accomplishment of a team that has been dedicated
to this publication from the beginning, the members of which have
worked with an extraordinary devotion and dedication, and who
firmly believe in the importance of legal research and guidance through
scientific data. We are sincerely grateful to, and truly appreciate, each
and every author of these articles, as well as our colleagues who have
edited, proofread, checked translations, and uploaded the articles to
our website.
As we initiated our e-book Newsletter publication last year, we so
continue in this tradition. This year’s e-book may be accessed on our
web-site, as well.