• The Board authorized the acquisition of the full control of
Megadyne S.p.A. by FCPR Astorg V that is operated by Astorg
Partners SAS which is a private investment fund. (16.07.2014;
• The Board authorized the transformation of İnci Lojistik
Dağıtım Depolama Gemicilik Uluslararası Taşımacılık ve
Ticaret A.Ş. into the joint venture of Yusen Logistics Co. Ltd.
and İnci Holding A.Ş. through the acquisition of İnci Lojistik
Dağıtım Depolama Gemicilik Uluslararası Taşımacılık ve
Ticaret A.Ş.’s shares, and participation in the capital increase by
Yusen Logistics Turkey Lojistik Hizmetleri Ltd. Şti.
(16.07.2014; 14-24/486-216)
• The Board authorized the transformation of DJ Cool Klima ve
Soğutma Cihazları Sanayi Ticaret A.Ş., which is under the con-
trol of ALJ Holding A.Ş., into the joint venture of ALJ Holding
A.Ş. and Denso International Asia Pte. Ltd. (16.07.2014; 14-
• The Board decided that operating Ankara High Speed Train
Station by ATGAnkara Tren Garı İşletmeciliği A.Ş. for 19 years
and 7 months as of the end of the construction term, which is
two years from the delivery of construction area was not subject
to authorization, that the establishment of ATG Ankara Tren
Garı İşletmeciliği A.Ş. shall be subject to authorization if the
tender procedures are completed; that therefore, no administra-
tive penalty shall apply. (16.07.2014; 14-24/488-218)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of 90% of the new com-
pany that will be established by Morgan Stanley Private Equity
Vision Holdings AB and provided with construction materials
business of Hanwha L&C Corporation. (17.07.2014; 14-
• The Board authorized the merger of Lafarge S.A. and Holcim
Ltd. (17.07.2014; 14-25/504-223)
• The Board authorized the acquisition of the full control of the
Global Fuel Oil Commerce department of Morgan Stanley by
OJSC Rosneft Oil Company. (17.07.2014; 14-25/506-224)