• The Communiqué on the Abolition of the Communiqué No: 1
pertaining to the Usage of the Electronic Public Purchase
Platform entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 07.06.2014 and numbered 29023.
• The Communiqué on the Amendment to the Communiqué per-
taining to the Application of Tenders was published in the
Official Gazette dated 07.06.2014 and numbered 29023.
• The Communiqué on the Prevention Measures in Importation
(Communiqué No: 2014/5) was published in the Official
Gazette dated 17.06.2014 and numbered 29033. This
Communiqué entered into force on its date of publication, to be
valid as of 14.06.2014 and afterwards.
• Communiqués on the Prevention of Unfair Competition in
Importation (Communiqué No: 2014/17, Communiqué No:
2014/18, Communiqué No: 2014/19) entered into force through
publication in the Official Gazette dated 17.06.2014 and num-
bered 29033.
• The Communique on the Abolition of the Communiqué per-
taining to the Materials Requiring Certificates of Warranty for
Importation was published in the Official Gazette dated
18.06.2014 and numbered 29034. This Communiqué entered
into force on its date of publication, to be valid as of 28.05.2014
and afterwards.
• Communiqués on the Prevention Measures in Importation
(Communiqué No: 2014/7, Communiqué No: 2014/8) entered
into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated
18.06.2014 and numbered 29034.
• The Communiqué (III-55.1.A) on the Abolition of the
Communiqué pertaining to Portfolio Management Companies
and Principles of These Companies’ Operations was published
in the Official Gazette dated 22.06.2014 and numbered 29038.
This Communiqué entered into force on 01.07.2014.
• The Communiqué (III-55.2) on the Abolition of the
Communiqué (Serial: V, No:130) pertaining to the Usage
Principles of Guarantees Deposited by Portfolio Management