• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation regarding
the Organization, Mission and Work of the Governorate and
Prefecture Units entered into force through publication in the
Official Gazette dated 30.08.2014 and numbered 29104.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation regarding
the Principles and Procedures of the Auditions, Preliminary
Surveys and Investigations which will be made in the Natural
Gas Market entered into force through publication in the
Official Gazette dated 30.08.2014 and numbered 29104
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation regarding
the Principles and Procedures of the Auditions, Preliminary
Surveys and Investigations which will be made in the
Electricity Market entered into force through publication in the
Official Gazette dated 30.08.2014 and numbered 29104
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation regarding
the Principles and Procedures of the Auditions, Preliminary
Surveys and Investigations which will be made in the Oil
Market entered into force through publication in the Official
Gazette dated 30.08.2014 and numbered 29104
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation regarding
the Principles and Procedures of the Auditions, Preliminary
Surveys and Investigations which will be made in the Liquid
Petrol Gas (LPG) Market entered into force through publication
in the Official Gazette dated 30.08.2014 and numbered 29104
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation regarding
the Increase Efficiency in Using Energy Sources and Energy
entered into force through the publication in the Official
Gazette dated 03.09.2014 and numbered 29108.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation pertaining
to the Principles and Procedures of the Contractual
Manufacturing entered into force through the publication in the
Official Gazette dated 05.09.2014 and numbered 29110.
• The Regulation on the Environment Permission and License
was published in the Official Gazette dated 10.09.2014 and
numbered 29115. This Regulation entered into force on