1. Expedited trial procedure is applicable for the disputes result-
ing from the following acts:
a) Acts concerning auctions except decisions on prohibition
from bidding,
b) Acts of expedited expropriation,
c) Decisions of the High Board of Privatization,
d) Acts regarding the sale, allocation and rental in accor-
dance with the Tourism Promotion Law No. 2634 dated
e) Acts resulting from Environmental Impact Assessment
except administrative sanctions in accordance with the
Environment Law No. 2872 and dated 9/8/1983, and
f) Council of Ministers’ Decisions adopted in accordance
with the Law on the Transformation of Areas at Risk of
Natural Disaster No. 6306 and dated 16/5/2012.
The second paragraph of said article defines the application of the
expedited trial procedure. Accordingly, the lawsuit should be initiated
within thirty days instead of sixty, and the term for preparation of
defense is set forth as fifteen days instead of thirty. These lawsuits must
be concluded within one month at the latest, starting from the con-
summation of the file. It is also regulated that the appeal should be filed
within fifteen days starting from the final judgment, the term for filing
the defense is fifteen days, and the process of appeal should be final-
ized within two months.
As is seen, the expedited trial procedure contains significant
amendments which accelerate the proceedings with respect to normal
trial procedure. The expedited trial procedure shortens the term of liti-
gation, term for preparation of defense and the period of appeal for the
parties; and the term of inspection for the courts. Additionally, objec-
tion with regard to decisions granted for the requests of stay of order
and the procedure of revision of decision is abrogated with the new
On the other hand, it is clearly stated in the relevant article of Law
No. 6545 regarding the intermediary appeal that, the procedure of
intermediary appeal is not applicable in the expedited trial procedure.