The Objection of Arbitration and the Courts’ Degree of Review
of the Arbitration Agreement
Att. Selen Ozturk
As is known, arbitration is an accepted and frequently preferred
alternative dispute resolution method based on the resolution of dis-
putes by persons called arbitrators in arbitral tribunals instead of
national courts. Where the parties voluntarily agree to resort to arbitra-
tion, if the resolution of the issue by arbitration is not prohibited by the
law, the dispute may be resolved through arbitration. Therefore, a valid
arbitration agreement/arbitration clause must be concluded between
the parties. One of the outcomes of a valid arbitration agreement or an
arbitration clause between the parties is that in case a party brings a
claim on the merits in the courts, the defendant party may invoke the
arbitration agreement and raise an objection of arbitration
This newsletter article shall discuss the provisions regarding objec-
tion of arbitration and highlight the court’s limit of review of the valid-
ity of an arbitration agreement.
Objection of Arbitration
UNCITRAL Model Law on International Commercial Arbitration
(1985), with amendments as adopted in 2006 (“Model Law”), Art. 8/1
states that a court before which an action is brought concerning a mat-
ter which is the subject of an arbitration agreement shall, if a party so
requests not later than when submitting their first statement on the sub-
stance of the dispute, refer the parties to arbitration unless it finds that
Article of February 2014
, Milletlerarası Tahkim, İstanbul 2013, p.122.