the recognition of Switzerland as a neutral state in many aspects, the
multilingual aspect and the positive attitude of Swiss courts towards
arbitration. Specifically, concerning Turkish parties, the fact that the
Swiss and Turkish Code of Obligations are significantly similar is also
a very important factor
Apart from the arbitration seats located in Europe, seats such as
Singapore, New York and Sao Paulo are among cities most frequently
selected as places of arbitration.
In addition to the data above concerning the most popular seats of
arbitration, it should be stated that there is a large variety of different
cities and countries selected as places of arbitration. Pursuant to the
ICC statistics of the cases that were initiated between the years 2007-
2011, the number of different cities selected as places of arbitration
ranges from 86 to 113. As per the number of different countries in
which those cities are situated, this is between 42 and 63.
In Turkey, activities pertaining to the establishment of an institu-
tional arbitration center in Istanbul are on-going
. The Draft Law on
the Istanbul Arbitration Center is on the agenda of Turkish Grand
National Assembly. Considering the geopolitical advantages of
Istanbul, the establishment of such arbitration center would contribute
to enhance the popularity of Istanbul as an internationally recognized
arbitration center.
Location of Hearings and Meetings
The location of hearings is laid down in the second paragraph of
Article 18 of the Rules. Accordingly, the arbitral tribunal may, after
consultation with the parties, conduct hearings and meetings at any
location it considers appropriate, unless otherwise agreed by the par-
ties. As stated in the relevant article, the parties may specify the use of
a particular hearing location, although it is not common in practice. In
this case, pursuant to Article 18(2), the arbitral tribunal will be bound
by this specification.
, p. 81.
For detailed information about İstanbul Arbitration Center, please see:
Leyla Orak Celikboya
İstanbul Arbitration Center, Erdem&Erdem Law Office Newsletter, July 2014. Source: