We are very glad to share the
Newsletter 2013
book with you. The
ter 2013
book is the result of the systematic gathering of articles published each
month on our firm’s website. Since 2010 these articles collected and published
as a book have attracted considerable attention from our business partners, cli-
ents and other legal practitioners, which has obliged to further develop and ex-
pand our book.
Newsletter 2013
, we maintained the same systematic and approach as in
previous years. 2013 was a year in which the practices related to amendments
made to statute laws in 2013 started to crystallize; this also triggered many prob-
lems. Therefore, the Newsletter articles mainly focus on the obstacles and prob-
lems encountered in practice. Moreover, as the Capital Markets Law entered
into force on the last day of 2012, its main effects were observed during 2013.
Newsletter 2013
assesses in detail the secondary legislation prepared in order
to provide guidance on the application of both the Turkish Commercial Code
and the Capital Markets Act. Therefore, works related to the Turkish Commer-
cial Code and its secondary legislation constitutes a material part of the book.
As is expected, Competition Law and Arbitration Law feature prominently in
our publication this year. The legal developments section includes important
insights into material developments in international agreements, laws, regula-
tions, communiqués, the decisions of the Competition Board and the Privatiza-
tion Board, energy laws which were passed in 2013 and key jurisprudence. We
believe that this section provides a broad overview of the year.
This book is the accomplishment of a team who is convinced on the pur-
pose of this publication from the very beginning, who worked with an extraordi-
nary devotion and dedication and who firmly believes in the importance of legal
research and the guidance of scientific data. We are sincerely grateful to and
truly appreciate each and every author of the articles, as well as our colleagues
who have edited, proofread, checked translations and uploaded the articles to
our website.
We are pleased to announce that for the first time, this year’s book, as well
as our previous publications, will be accessible on our web-site as e-books.