sions shall be in compliance with the law; and in the event of incon-
sistencies, the provisions of law, which has a higher ranking in the
norms hierarchy, shall be applicable. Especially bearing in mind that
transactions violating the share buyback prohibition under the TCC are
null and void, this principle resolution of the CMB is borne to serious
problems. There is a risk that the CMB principle resolution constitutes
a violation of the TCC other than the exceptions regulated under arti-
cle 329 of the TCC and the transactions based thereon are null and
The New TCC Regime
The New TCC regulates the possibility for a company to buy back
its own shares in the article 379 and the following articles. The justifi-
cation of the New TCC states that the source for these articles is the
Directive 77/91 of the European Union regarding the companies.
Below is an overview of the situations where the companies may buy-
back or accept pledges on their shares pursuant to the New TCC.
Pursuant to article 379, a company may buy back or accept pledges
on its shares in exchange for a consideration as long as the total
amount of shares do not exceed 10% of its share capital or issued
capital. Acquisitions made by third persons on and the account of the
company and acquisitions of subsidiary companies shall be taken into
consideration in calculation of this percentage.
The company may authorize the board of directors for a maximum
term of five years in order to realize transactions by determining the
total number of, total nominal value of and the maximum and mini-
mum amount, which may be paid for such shares
. Thus, the general
assembly is granted an opportunity to exercise control on the buy-
Please see
Prof. Dr. Veliye Yanlı, Doç. Dr. Gül Okutan
Şirketin Kendi Paylarının İktisabına
İlişkin 10.08.2011 tarih ve 26-767 sayılı SPK İlke Kararının 6762 Sayılı TTK Çerçevesinde
, 10 Şubat 2012, Arslanlı Bilim Arşivi, on 28.01.2012) stating that the CMB principle resolution is in violation of the law to
the extend it exceeds the scope of the provision under article 329 of the TCC and that the share
buyback transactions shall be null and void and acquisitions of third parties acting in good faith
shall not be preserved.
The justification of the article further states that the general assembly may delimit the autho-
rization for entering into buyback transactions to a specific cause.