Special Provision for İstanbul and İzmit Port Authorities
The Regulation provides under article 41 special provisions on
Turkish and foreign military ships visiting the İstanbul Port Authority.
It also specifies that passenger ships can anchor in Dolmabahçe on the
condition they obtain prior authorization. Special principles have been
adopted concerning the modes of transport of dangerous substances
between the European and Asian side in order to promote security.
Also limitations have been introduced concerning height restriction in
the Istanbul and Izmit Port Authorities. For the Istanbul Port Authority
it is stipulated that the ships and vessels which have a height greater
than 58 meters cannot pass through. Ships and vessels where height
capacity is between 54 and 58 meters can only pass the Bosphorus
accompanied by towing boats, the number and strength of which will
be defined by the port authority. A similar rule including different fig-
ures concerning height restriction has been brought for İzmit Port
Authority. Concerning traffic safety, the situation of decrease in the
visibility of distance has also been regulated by the Regulation.
Powers of the Port Authority
According to article 8 of the Regulation, the relevant personnel of
the ships and vessels which navigate in the port’s administrative zone,
which are in the shore facility or which wait at anchor as well as rele-
vant personnel in the shore facility or other relevant persons are oblig-
ated to follow the directions within the scope of the Regulation and
national or international statutory provisions given by the port author-
ity regarding navigation, security of life, property and environment
safety and security. The Regulation provides power to the port author-
ity in order to fill the gaps in the security and prevention rules which
have not been regulated in the Regulation. The shore facility operator
is subject to the directives of the port authority in conformity with the
Regulation and statutory provisions. In addition, in emergency situa-
tions pilotage and towing boat organizations should follow the direc-
tions of the port authority. Even though the Regulation has adopted
uniform rules, it has also accorded some discretionary powers to the
port authority for the conditions related to navigation, safety, life, prop-
erty and environment safety which may arise. Furthermore, pursuant to
article 22 entitled ˝Matters Subject to the Authorization of the Port