be made to the policy owner, they will be sent to the address of the pol-
icy owner through notary public or registered mail.
The notice made by using secure electronic signature will be
deemed valid if their return receipt can be proved.
Termination of Professional Activity
In case the professional activity subject of the policy is terminated,
then the relevant insurance agreement would also cease and premiums
in relation to inactive days would be returned to the policy owner.
Confidentiality in relation to Commercial and Professional
The insurer and people acting behalf of him shall be liable from
damages arising out of the disclosure of commercial and professional
secrets and confidentiality of the insured party and policy owner, that
are acknowledged during the course of the agreement.
Competent Jurisdiction
The Courts, where the business center of the insurer or the under-
writing agency is domiciled, shall be competent to resolve any disputes
arising out of the insurance agreement.
Prescription Time
The prescription time for claims arising out of insurance agree-
ments is two years.
Clauses and Special Conditions
Clauses, which are the annexes of general conditions, may include
more specific conditions than general conditions. Moreover, parties
may agree upon special conditions provided that they are not against
the insured party or the policy owner.