b) Placing the goods on the market or stocking them for this pur-
pose or offering delivery of the goods under such sign or pro-
viding services under such sign;
c) Bringing the goods into the customs territory and placing the
goods under customs approved treatment or use;
d) Using such sign on business papers and in advertising;
e) Using identical or similar sign as a domain name, routing code,
keyword and etc. on the internet environment in such a manner
that creates commercial impact unless the user has right of use
or legitimate connection.
Protection Period of a Registered Trademark
Pursuant to article 40 of the Decree-Law No. 556, protection peri-
od of a registered trademark is 10 years beginning from the date of fil-
ing of the application. Registration may be renewed for further periods
of ten years at the request of proprietor.
Renewal of Registration
The registration of a trademark shall be renewed upon the request
of the proprietor or its representative provided that the renewal fee
envisaged in the Implementing Regulation of the Decree-Law No. 556
(“Regulation”) is paid.
Also, the required documents for renewal of registration are set
forth in the Regulation.
Pursuant to article 17 of the Regulation the following documents
shall be submitted:
a) Application form -petition-;
b) Receipt confirming the payment of the renewal fee;
c) Power of attorney if the application is filed by a representative
or reference to the power of attorney in case that it is submit-
ted earlier.
For each trademark, separate renewal application shall be filed.
In case of a reasonable suspicion, the Institute may request to sup-
ply documentary evidence including notarized documents from the