We are very glad to share the Newsletter 2012 book with you. The
Newsletter 2012 comprises the systematic gathering of articles pub-
lished each month on the Erdem&Erdem website. Since the publishing
of Newsletter 2010, the Newsletter book has garnered the attention of
our business partners, clients and other legal practitioners. This has
encouraged and motivated us to further develop and expand our book.
In Newsletter 2012, we abide by the same system as in previous
years. 2012 was a year in which amendments made to statute laws
entered into force and the obstacles faced in the practice of law were
highly discussed and debated. Therefore, the Newsletter articles focus
on updates to the Turkish Commercial Code and the Turkish Code of
Obligations that entered into force in July 2012. Further, the secondary
legislation prepared in order to provide guidance on the application of
the Turkish Commercial Code is also assessed in detail, such that
works related to the Turkish Commercial Code and its secondary leg-
islation constitute a material part of the book. These works aim at clar-
ifying theoretical matters as well as problems occurring in the practice
of law. As is expected, Competition Law constitutes an important part
of our publication of this year. The Legal Developments section
includes important insights into material developments in internation-
al agreements, laws, regulations, communiqués, the decisions of the
Competition Board and the Privatization Board, energy laws which
were accepted in 2012 and key jurisprudence.
This book is the culmination of trusting, enthusiastic, dedicated
and concerted work and effort by a very large team who has con-
tributed to the writing of the articles, edited, proofread and checked the
translated texts found in the articles and uploaded them to our website.
We are sincerely grateful to and truly appreciate each and every col-
league for his or her invaluable contribution to this publication, which
is the accomplishment of an extremely pleasant teamwork.