Dağıtım ve Ticaret A.Ş. and closed points of sales, revised under
the obligations introduced by the Board decision numbered 11-
42/911-281 in order to grant a certificate of negative clearance/
exemption to the Agreement as well as to determine the
compliance of the contract with the aforementioned decision, the
Board decided that obligations specified by the Board decision
numbered 11-42/911-281 were implemented by Efes Pazarlama
Dağıtım ve Ticaret A.Ş., and a certificate of negative clearance
should be issued for the notified agreement since it did not include
any provisions which could fall under articles 4, 6 and 7 of the Act
no 4054. (17.11.2011, 11-57/1474-530)
• As a result of the examination conducted based on the claim
that Mey İçki San. ve Tic. A.Ş. complicated the operation of its
competitors within the market through its practices, abused its
dominant position, and signed exclusive contracts with open
points of sales, the Board decided that initiating an investigation
was not necessary under the Act no 4054 and the complaint should
be rejected. (17.11.2011, 11-57/1476-532)
• As a result of the examination conducted based on the claim that
Trakya Cam Sanayii A.Ş. violated competition by complicating
the operations of competing companies through various means
such as undertaking all or part of freight costs against commercial
custom and implementing predatory and selective pricing practices
via various discounts and by forcing double-glaze producing
companies to make exclusive glass purchases from Trakya Cam
Sanayii A.Ş. through the authorized manufacturer system it
established, the Board decided that initiating an investigation was
not necessary under the Act no 4054 and the complaint should be
rejected. (17.11.2011, 11-57/1477-533)
• As a result of the examination conducted based on the claim that
Turkcell İletişim Hizmetleri A.Ş. restricted the competition by
taking advantage of its dominant position on the GSM services
market and imposed restrictions on the distributors on the
distribution network, conducted discriminatory practices between
those undertakings, determined fixed prices and profit margins