and Declaration of Property by those who would be Appointed
to the Top Management Positions at Banks and on Keeping of
Banks’ Resolution Books entered into force through publication
in the Official Gazette dated 13.04.2011 and numbered 27904.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation on the
Foundation and the Duties of the Assembly of Exporters of
Turkey as well as of the Union of Exporters entered into force
through publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.04.2011 and
numbered 27905.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation Pertaining
to the Criteria for Building Materials entered into force through
publication in the Official Gazette dated 14.04.2011 and numbered
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Application Regulation
on Service Procurement Tenders entered into force through
publication in the Official Gazette dated 20.04.2011 and numbered
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Application Regulation
of the Law on the Work Permits of Foreigners entered into force
through publication in the Official Gazette dated 28.04.2011 and
numbered 27918.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Customs Regulation
entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette
dated 30.04.2011 and numbered 27920.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation Pertaining
to Tenders Applications entered into force through publication in
the Official Gazette dated 03.05.2011 and numbered 27923.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Regulation Pertaining
to Establishment and Operation Principles of Insurance and
Reinsurance Companies entered into force through publication in
the Official Gazette dated 12.05.2011 and numbered 27932.
• The Regulation on the Amendment of the Customs Regulation
entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette
dated 23.05.2011 and numbered 27942.