Association of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey” was
published in the Official Gazette dated 21.05.2011 and numbered
• The Resolution dated 25.05.2011 pertaining to entry into force
of the resolution regarding partially or entirely allocation of the
parcel lands in the organized industrial zones was published in the
Official Gazette dated 02.06.2011 and numbered 27952.
• The Resolution dated 26.04.2011 pertaining to entry into force
of the resolution regarding declaration of some zones as touristic
center and cultural and tourism protection and development
regions was published in the Official Gazette dated 05.06.2011
and numbered 27955.
• The Resolution of Council of Ministers dated 08.08.2011
Pertaining to the Immediate Expropriation of Certain Immovable
properties within the Scope of Bafra Plain Irrigation Project by
the General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works was published
in the Official Gazette dated 18.08.2011 and numbered 28029.
• TheResolution of Council ofMinisters dated 08.08.2011 Pertaining
to the Immediate Expropriation of Certain Immovable properties
within the Scope of the Construction of Saraydüzü Barrage by the
General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works was published in the
Official Gazette dated 18.08.2011 and numbered 28029.
• TheResolutionofCouncil ofMinisters dated01.08.2011Pertaining
to the Amendment of the Decision on the Application of Certain
Articles of the Customs Law numbered 4458 was published in the
Official Gazette dated 20.08.2011 and numbered 28031.
• The Resolution of Council of Ministers dated 08.08.2011
Pertaining to the Amendment of the Decision on Outward
Processing Regime was published in the Official Gazette dated
20.08.2011 and numbered 28031.
• The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 07.10.2011
pertaining to approval of the Medium Term Plan (2012-2014) was
published in the Official Gazette dated 13.10.2011 and numbered