We are very glad to release the new series of the Newsletter book, whose
first series was published last year by our Office. The Newsletter 2011 systema-
tically gathers the articles published each month on our Office’s website. The
previous book named, Newsletter 2010, has attracted the attention from our
business partners, clients and other legal practitioners. This has encouraged us
to develop and expand our publication of this year.
This publication has the same systematic with that of last year. However,
during the year 2011 many amendments were made to statute laws, which were
highly debated. Therefore, the articles in this book focus on the Turkish Com-
mercial Code, which will enter into force from July 2012, on the Turkish Code
of Obligations, which will also enter into force from July 2012 and on the Code
of Civil Procedure, which entered into force from October 2011. As is expected,
the Competition Law also constitutes an important part of our publication of this
year. Articles related to the Turkish Commercial Code aim to give to the reader
a general opinion on the regulations concerning various subjects as well as the
philosophy of the code by explaining the principal provisions of the code. The
latest legal developments part includes important insights into international ag-
reements, laws, regulations, communiqués, The Competition Board’s decisions,
and The Privatization Board’s decisions, which were accepted in 2011.
This book is the culmination of self-sacrificing, dedicated and concerted
efforts of a very large team constituting of colleagues who have contributed to
writing of manuscripts, and colleagues, who have edited, proofread and chec-
ked the translated text of manuscripts and also colleagues, who have uploaded
the articles to our website. We sincerely acknowledge the hard work of all our
colleagues and truly appreciate their invaluable contribution to this publication,
which is the accomplishment of an extremely pleasing teamwork.
We hope that the content of this publication will be a useful source for our
clients and business partners, and we wish 2012 brings prosperity, joy and con-
tentment to all.
Nisantasi, January 2012
Att. Piraye Erdem
Prof. Dr. H. Ercüment Erdem
Founder and Managing Partner