trade name or the company address, the compulsory notification
and amendments will be made to the relevant authorities along
with the verifying documents of these changes issued by official
Article 35/2:
In the former wording of Article 35/2, which was
stipulating work permits for an indefinite term, it was stated that
the work permit would be valid depending on the validity of
residence permit unless there was any change made within context
of the work permit. It is currently regulated that the work permit
for an indefinite term can be valid depending on the validity of
residence permit and in the case of any change of the employer
or the address of the workplace; the Ministry shall be informed
within fifteen days. It is stated that in such a case, the Ministry
will make necessary amendments to the work permit certificate
and inform the relevant authorities.
Article 44:
In the former wording of Article 44, it was regulated
that among the foreign citizens who gained permanent residency
in Turkey through marriage with a Turkish citizen can apply
directly to the Ministry in order to obtain exceptional work permit.
It is currently regulated that only the time condition for residence
permit is not required for such foreign citizens.