Heavy Fines for Banking Cartel!
Att. Zeynep Tuncer
The Competition Board (the “Board”), in its decision dated
07.03.2011 and numbered 11-13/243-78
, decided that Akbank T.A.S.
(“Akbank”), Denizbank A.S. (“Denizbank”), Finans Bank A.S. (“Finans
Bank”), Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A.S. (“Garanti Bankasi”), Turkiye Halk
Bankasi A.S. (“Halk Bank”), Turkiye Is Bankasi A.S. (“Is Bankasi”),
Turkiye Vakiflar Bankasi T.A.O. (“Vakiflar Bankasi”) and Yapi ve Kredi
Bankasi A.S. (“Yapi ve Kredi Bankasi”) which are active in the banking
sector have respectively infringed Article 4 of the Act No. 4054 on the
Protection of the Competition (the “Competition Act”) by making an
agreement and thus, imposed heavy administrative fines on them.
Competition Infringement Allegations
Two allegations for competition infringements were made against the
banks, which initiated a comprehensive investigation. The first allegation
consists of the participation of banks to a “gentleman’s agreement”
implemented in their business operations since 2001 in regards to direct
deposit of salaries/wages to employees’ bank accounts and thereupon,
promotional offers by banks so as to trigger their consumer banking business.
Within this agreement, the participant banks decided that (1) promotions will
not be granted to private companies, (2) other banks will not make proposals
to institutions which protocols are still in force, (3) even if proposals have
already been made to those institutions, they will be withdrawn and (4) if a
promotion has already been granted to an institution which has a protocol
with another bank, the promotion will be registered as damage.
As per the second allegation, it consists of the determination and
fixation of the amount of promotional offer bid made by Akbank,
Denizbank, Finans Bank, Garanti Bankasi, Is Bankasi and Yapi ve Kredi
Article of October 2011
The investigation started on August 2009. The motivated decision was published in the
official website of the Competition Authority on September 5, 2011. To consult the decision,
see the following link: