shall apply to the actions that started before and continues at the time of
TheMandatory Provisions of theRules in Section I (Shareholders)
The companies traded in the ISE 30 Index (excluding banks) are
obliged to apply the following principles:
Pursuant of article 3.2.1., the announcement of the general assembly
meeting shall be made at least 3 weeks prior to the meeting and shall be
made to reach all shareholders and with every possible communication
equipment including electronic communication; the procedures of the
relevant legislation shall be reserved. In our opinion, announcement
may be made via web site and by sending electronic mail to the e-mail
accounts of the shareholders. In addition, short message service may be
used for the announcement to the shareholders.
According to article 3.2.4., following matters shall also be noted to
in the general assembly meeting announcement to be made on the web
site of the company besides the ones to be announced and disclosed in
accordance with the relevant legislation.
i. Total amount of share capital and voting rights of the shareholders
to reflect the ownership structure of the company at the time of
disclosure and privileged share group and their shares and vote
rights, if any,
ii. Changes in the management and business organization of the
company or its subsidiaries or affiliates realized in the past
financial period or planned to be realized within the next financial
period, the reasons of such changes, annual reports for the last
3 financial period of the parties involved in the organizational
changes and annual financial statements and pro forma financial
iii. The reasons of dismissal, changes or appointment of board
members if such has been stated in the general assembly meeting
minute and the names of the nominees and their resumes shall
be noted. In order to apply this, the names and resumes of the
nominee; his/her previous duties within last 10 years and reasons