Serial: I, No: 40 “The Communiqué on Principals Regarding
Registration and Sales of Shares with the Capital Markets
Board” Has Been Amended
Att. Nilay Çelebi
TheCapitalMarkets Board of Turkey (“Board”) has amended the “The
Communiqué on Principals Regarding Registration and Sales of Shares
with the Board, Serial: I, No: 40” (“Communiqué”). The communiqué
Serial: I, No: 43 amending the Communiqué has been announced in the
Official Gazette numbered 27960, on June 10, 2011.
It should be noted that under the Capital Markets Law of Turkey
shares to be offered to the public are required to register with the Board
and if the number of shareholders exceed 250, the shares of a corporation
deemed to be offered to the public or floating on the stock market
automatically. The Communiqué regulates the principles regarding the
registration of shares which the companies deemed as public because of
the number of shareholders exceeding 250, registration of shares with the
Board that the companies already held or issued through capital increase,
as well as the public offering and sale of such shares. The Communiqué
also sets forth the principles regarding sale to the qualified investment
managers or financial advisers, and private placement of shares of the
public companies and the companies which will be listed on the secondary
market- emerging companies market (“ECM”), pre-placement, offering
circular in short all principles regarding the public offering.
As mentioned above the Communiqué has been amended by the
communiqué Serial: I, No: 43 and you may find below the new principles
set out after such amendment.
Article of June 2011