described under Article 7 of Act No. 4054 and thus in significant
lessening of competition. (25.11.2010; 10-73/1520-581)
The transaction for the acquisition of 51% of the 99.995% of
the shares belonging to İpotek Financing S.A in Şeker Mortgage
Finansman A.Ş. (Şeker Mortgage Financing Inc.) by Şekerbank
Inc. has been authorized as the transaction would not result
in creating a dominant position, or strengthening an existing
dominant position as specified in Article 7 of Act No. 4054 and
in Communiqué No. 1997/1 and thus in decreasing competition
significantly. (16.12.2010; 10-78/1599-610 )
The transaction for the acquisition by Nokia Siemens Networks
B.V. of certain wireless network infrastructure assets of Motorola
Inc. has been authorized as the transaction would not result
in creating a dominant position, or strengthening the existing
dominant position as specified in Article 7 of Act No. 4054 and
in Communiqué No. 1997/1 and thus in decreasing competition
significantly. (16.12.2010; 10-78/1614-618)
The transaction for the acquisition of 53.13% of the shares of
Nortel Networks International Finance B.V. in Nortel Networks
Netaş Telecommunications Inc. by OEP Rhea Turkey Tech B.V., a
shareholding of One Equity Partners IV L.P., which is controlled by
the JP Morgan Chase Group, has been authorized as the transaction
would not result in creating a dominant position, or strengthening
an existing dominant position as specified in Article 7 of the Act
No. 4054 and in Communiqué No. 1997/1 and thus in decreasing
competition significantly. (16.12.2010; 10-78/1615-619 )
The transaction for the acquisition of the bonds of CMA CGM SA,
which will turn into stock, by Yıldırım Holding A.Ş. (Yıldırım
Holding Inc.) has been authorized as the transaction would not
result in creating a dominant position, or strengthening an existing
dominant position as specified in Article 7 of Act No. 4054 and
in Communiqué No. 1997/1 and thus in decreasing competition
significantly. (23.12.2010; 10-80/1654- 629)
The transaction for the acquisition by Caterpillar Inc. of the full
control of MWM Holding GmbH and MWM GmbH through
the channel of Caterpillar Investment GmbH&Co KG has been