Ministry refrained from dealing with companies that refused its demand to
review agreements, and this caused problems in practice.
6 - The Electricity Market Code numbered 4628
. In anticipation
of liberalization in the electricity market, the Electricity Market Code
numbered 4628 was approved and entered into force on 03 March 2001.
The aim of this code is to set forth the rights and obligations of corporations
which will conduct activities regarding electricity generation, transmission,
distribution, and wholesale export and import by creating a competitive
and stable electricity market. Additionally, the code anticipated the need
to determine the procedures for the privatization of electricity generation
and distribution. In relation to this procedure, EMRA was established as a
new authority.
Communiqués related to the regulation on license, tariffs, export and
import, free consumer, distribution, network, customer services, and free
consumer entered into force pursuant to this code.
This code envisages a bilateral agreements market complementing the
“Market Financial Settlement Center”. The system for operating in the
market was also termed
7 -The Natural Gas Market Code numbered 4646.
This code
includes natural gas importation, transmission, distribution, storage,
marketing, trade and export and rights and obligations of the real persons
and legal entities related to these activities.
8 - The PetroleumMarket Code numbered 5015.
This code regulates
the guidance, supervision and inspection activities in order to make the
market activities transparently in an equitable and a stable manner. This
code aims to submit the petroleum from national and international sources
to the users directly or by processing, in a competitive environment, safely
and economically.
9 - The Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Market Code numbered
This code regulates the market activities concerning the liquefied
petroleum gas supplied from national and international sources to the
users. The distribution, transportation, storage, marketing and trading of
liquefied petroleum gas and rights and the obligations of real persons and
legal entities that are related to these activities are also included in this