The Draft only contents itself to make a simple
reference to commitments. In accordance with Article 10 of the Draft, in
case the parties submit commitments, the notification is deemed to be made
at the notification date of the commitments to the Board. Nevertheless, as
also provided in the Regulation No. 139/2004, shall also include details as
the signification of commitments, their purposes, etc.
Administrative Fines.
In order that administrative fines are dissuasive
and achieve their goal, the Draft shall provide in detail the fines and periodic
penalty payments as also provided in the Regulation No. 139/2004.
Appreciable Restriction of Competition Test.
Although Article 6
of the Communiqué No. 1997/1 is intensively criticized in the doctrine
because it provides the dominant position test, the Draft did not bring a
novelty to this test. In fact, as in the Regulation No. 139/2004, the criteria
of “appreciable restriction of competition” shall be accepted in order to
determine the prohibited mergers and acquisitions.
As it can be observed, the Draft which has been prepared with a view
to replace the Communiqué No. 1997/1 brought various novelties as the
possibility to make the notification on electronic support. However, the
Draft does especially not modify the most criticized joint venture and
dominant position test. As a matter of fact, practices currently applied will
continue to be applied. For that reason, the above-mentioned two practices
shall first be modified, and then all the modifications stated above shall
also be realized.
Additionally, both in order to be in compliance with the Regulation
No. 139/2004 and to prevent the large interpretation of the terms merger
and acquisition as in the Turkish Code of Commerce, the term of
“concentration” shall be used in lieu of “merger and acquisition”.
5 The proposal on the detailed information to be insert in the Draft related to commitments is
not enough. A special Notice shall also be issued on this subject as in European Union Law. To
consult the Notice, see the following link: