Risks and Opportunities Awaiting Companies on the Axis of ESG Regulations and Market Dynamics

Risks and Opportunities Awaiting Companies on the Axis of ESG Regulations and Market Dynamics
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As part of Erdem & Erdem Academy, on Thursday, May 9, 2024, Dr. Cem Veziroğlu, Assistant Professor of Commercial Law at Koç University and Affiliated Scholar at UNESCO Chair for Gender Equality and Sustainable Development, made a presentation titled "Risks and Opportunities Awaiting Companies in the Axis of ESG Regulations and Market Dynamics".

In his presentation, Dr. Cem Veziroğlu discussed the concept of sustainability as an agenda of corporate law, the regulations on this issue and the pressure of market dynamics. Then, in terms of ESG responsibility of companies and related regulations, he explained in detail the climate lawsuits filed against companies, directors' liability, supply chain due diligence obligations, greenwashing and non-financial reporting obligations.

We would like to thank Dr. Cem Veziroğlu for his enlightening and stimulating training on ESG, which is among the issues that are increasingly important to companies, employees, stakeholders and investors who are environmentally sensitive and focus on sustainability with a social benefit approach.

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