
VI boards of directors in joint stock companies, limitations to dividend distributions of capital companies, presentation of a cheque and force majeure, as well as veto rights in joint stock companies. We published 11 competition law related articles. Very significant amendments to the Law on the Protection of Competition were made in June, 2020. We discussed these amendments in our July, 2020 issue. In addition, we addressed the topics of the Competition Board’s on- site inspection powers, reporting on the finalization of the Competi- tion Board Decisions as preliminary issues in compensation lawsuits, the standard of proof in cartel claims, and the commitment mechanism under Competition Law investigations in Turkey and the European Union. We also handled the very popular decision of the Competition Board. As a GAR100 listed law firm with a proven track record in in- ternational arbitration, we published 12 articles, including topics such as the 2021 ICC Arbitration Rules, LCIA Rules 2020, revisions of the Swiss international arbitration law, law numbered 805, and the manda- tory use of the Turkish language in arbitration agreements, as well as the civil-law approach for document production. We also examined the Enka v Chubb decision, which had a great impact in the UK, within the framework of the law applicable to arbitration agreements. Within the field of capital markets law, very significant legal regulations were made. The Communiqué on the principles of abol- ishing privileges, the Communiqué on significant transactions and retirement rights, and the Communiqué on board of debt instrument holders, were analyzed in some of the articles. We also examined col- lateral agreements on capital market instruments. With respect to civil procedure law, we both discussed the amend- ments to the civil procedure law, and examined two important deci- sions of the Court of Cassation General Assembly on the Unification of Case Law. The first was related to the maturity date on time-barred bonds, and the second focused on joint liability arising from the pay- ment of attorneys’ fees. Furthermore, in light of various Court of Cas- sation decisions, uncertain receivable lawsuits, and the prohibition to