13 COMMERCIAL LAW amendment of articles of association may be completed in the next general assembly meeting 3 . • To convene the BOD meetings in an electronic environment, the company shall establish a system that provides multi-so- und and image transfers, and enable the members to vote and sign the resolutions by using secure electronic signatures. The Company may create its own system for this purpose or obtain support services from another company providing such services. For instance, as stated above, Merkezi Kayıt Kuruluşu Anonim Şirketi, has an information system called the “Electronic Board of Directors System,” which can be used to hold an electronic meeting. • Following the installation of the system, the company shall obtain a technical report to show the system’s compliance with the TCC and the Communiqué from The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Information and Communication Technologies Authority, or other companies that recruit employees with the CISA certi- ficate minimum, and are authorized to conduct inspections. The technical report to be prepared by such authorities shall be registered and announced by the related trade registry. 4 Electronic Meeting System shall possess the security criteria and technical specifications designated under Article 15 of the Communiqué 5 . tronic environment. 3 The Turkish version of the announcement: et/duyuru/sirket-sozlesmelerinde-kurul-toplantilarinin-elektronik-ortamda-ger- ceklestirilmes 4 The technical report shall be renewed for three years in row, and be registered and announced by the related trade registry. 5 As per Article 15 of the Communique, an Electronic Meeting System shall have the design and capacity to conduct all necessary actions, have a backup and disas- ter recovery plan, and have a network and system security to guard against unau- thorized accesses and attacks, an infrastructure that enables messaging, voice and image transfers from the place of meeting to the electronic environment, supports block and parallel usage of more than one secure electronic signature and all ac- tions to be signed, as well as gives responses to the requests of the system acces- sion at the earliest time possible.
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