
VII States’ economic sanctions imposed on Iran, and the Regulation on pilotage and towage services. The chapter on Legal Developments provides global insight into material developments in international agreements, laws, presidential decisions, regulations, and communiqués, as well as a synopsis of the decisions of the Turkish Competition Board. We also published a list of energy legislation made effective in 2019, as well as extracts of key court precedents. We believe that this last chapter portrays an execu- tive look on legal developments in terms of 2019, as we have set forth in previous years. We have created this book through strong teamwork. This team is comprised of our firm’s precious lawyers who have been working with extraordinary devotion, staking a claim on our book since the first year it was published, and who believe in the importance of scientific research and the guidance of scientific data. We are sincerely grateful to, and truly appreciate, the great efforts expended by each and every author of these articles, as well as other members of our team who edited, proofread, translated, and uploaded the articles to our website. Our e-books drew great interest and as well, this year we will also publish our Newsletter 2019 as an e-book, and it will be accessible through our website. We continue to develop our collaboration this year, as in previous years, for the publishing and distribution of the book with On İki Levha Yayıncılık, an esteemed legal publisher. Therefore, we would like to extend our gratitude to Mr. Erol Öz who is the director of On İki Levha Yayıncılık that assumes the printing and distribution of the book, and to Ms. Sevil Öcalan who delicately prepared the book for publication. We trust that this publication will prove to be a useful resource and guidance for our clients and business partners. Finally, we wish that 2020 brings peace, prosperity, joy and con- tentment to the world and to our region. Levent, January 2020 Att. Piraye Erdem Prof. Dr. H. Ercüment Erdem Founder and Senior Partner Founder and Managing Partner