VII executive look on legal developments in terms of 2018, as we have set forth in previous years. This book is the accomplishment of Erdem & Erdem’s legal team who has dedicated themselves to this publication from the outset of this effort. Our team worked with extraordinary devotion and dedica- tion as they believe in the importance of keeping abreast of the legal developments in Turkey and abroad. They have aimed to reflect this body of knowledge to the readers through vigorous scientific research. We are sincerely grateful to, and truly appreciate, the great efforts ex- pended by each and every author of these articles, as well as other members of our team who edited, proofread, translated, and uploaded the articles to our website. You may access our Newsletter 2018 as an e-book from our website. We continue our collaboration this year, as in previous years, for the publishing and distribution of the book with On İki Levha Yayın- cılık, an esteemed legal publisher. Therefore, I would like to extend our gratitude to On İki Levha’s director, Mr. Erol Öz, and to Ms. Sevil Öcalan who, with patience, prepared this Newsletter 2018 for publi- cation. We trust that this publication will prove to be a useful resource and guidance for our clients and business partners. Finally, we wish that 2019 brings peace, prosperity, joy and con- tentment to the world and to our region. Nişantaşı, January 2019 Att. Piraye Erdem Prof. Dr. H. Ercüment Erdem Founder and Managing Partner Founder and Senior Partner