433 LEGAL DEVELOPMENTS • The Law on International Labor Force numbered 6735 en- tered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 11.08.2016 and numbered 29796. • The Law numbered 6741 on the Incorporation of TurkishAs- set Management Incorporated Company and Other Certain Laws entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 26.08.2016 and numbered 29813. • The Law on Movable Pledges on Commercial Transactions entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 28.10.2016 and numbered 29871. • The Law on the Acceptance of the Amendments to the En- actment on Taking some Precautions regarding the State of Emergency entered into force through publication in the Of- ficial Gazette dated 29.10.2016 and numbered 29872. • The Law numbered 6755 on the Modified Acceptance of the Decree Law on Taking Precautions regarding the State of Emergency and on Making Adjustments in Institutions and Organizations entered into force as of 15.07.2016 for Article 37, and through publication in the Official Gazette dated 24.11.2016 and numbered 29898 for the remaining articles. • The Law numbered 6757 on the Modified Acceptance of the Decree Law on Making Adjustments in Institutions and Organizations entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 24.11.2015 and numbered 29898. • The Law numbered 6758 on the Modified Acceptance of the Decree Law on making Adjustments regarding the State of Emergency entered into force as of 31.08.2016 for Article 45, and through publication in the Official Gazette dated 24.11.2016 and numbered 29898 for the remaining articles.
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