432 NEWSLETTER 2016 Important Changes and Developments in Laws • The Law numbered 6663 regarding the Amendment in the Income Tax Law and Other Certain Law entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 10.02.2016 and numbered 29620. The Amendment in the related law was published in the Official Gazette dated 16.02.016 and numbered 29626. • The Personal Data Protection Law numbered 6698 was pub- lished in the Official Gazette dated 07.04.2016 and numbered 29677. The Articles 8, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18 of the Law will enter into force 6 months after its publication, the remaining articles entered into force through publication. • The Law on the Amendment to the Law on Electricity Mar- ket and Other Laws entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 17.06.2016 and numbered 29745. • The Law numbered 6720 on the Ratification of the Amend- ment Protocol to the Convention for the Prevention of Dou- ble Taxation on Income concluded between the Republic of Turkey and the Kingdom of Belgium on 02.06.1987 was published in the Official Gazette dated 24.06.2016 and num- bered 29752. • The Law numbered 6723 on the Amendment of the Coun- cil of State Law and Other Certain Laws entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 23.07.2016 and numbered 29779. • The Law numbered 6728 on the Amendment to Several Laws Concerning Improvement of Investment Environment was published in the Official Gazette dated 09.08.2016 and numbered 29796. • The Law on Restructuring of Certain Receivables numbered 6736 entered into force through publication in the Official Gazette dated 19.08.2016 and numbered 29806.
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