430 NEWSLETTER 2016 KHK/675 entered into force as of 15.10.2016 for Article 13 and through publication in the Official Gazette dated 29.10.2016 and numbered 29872 for the remaining articles. • The Statutory Decree on Making Some Adjustments regard- ing the State of Emergency dated 03.10.2016 and numbered KHK/676 entered into force through publication in the Of- ficial Gazette dated 29.10.2016 and numbered 29872. • The Resolution regarding the Enforcement of the Resolution on Procedures and Principles of Structure and Operation of the Turkish Asset Fund Management Joint Stock Company was published in the Official Gazette dated 09.11.2016 and numbered 29883. • The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 31.10.2016 and numbered 2016/9538 regarding the Treasury Support to Credit Guarantee Funds was published in the Official Ga- zette dated 22.11.2016 and numbered 29896. • The Statutory Decree on Taking Precautions regarding the State of Emergency dated 31.10.2016 and numbered KHK/677 entered into force through publication in the Of- ficial Gazette dated 22.11.2016 and numbered 29896. • The Statutory Decree on Making Adjustments regarding the State of Emergency dated 31.10.2016 and numbered KHK/678 entered into force through publication in the Of- ficial Gazette dated 22.11.2016 and numbered 29896.The Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 17.10.2016 and numbered 2016/9495 regarding Investment Incentives on a Project Basis was published in the Official Gazette dated 26.11.2016 and numbered 29900. • The Additional Resolution of the Council of Ministers dated 21.11.2016 and numbered 2016/9548 to the Resolution regarding the Import Regime was published in the Official Gazette dated 08.12.2016 and numbered 29912.
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