
Important International Agreements • The Resolution of the Council of Ministers numbered 2015/8315 on the Ratification of Addendum No. 1 to the Fi- nancing Agreement between the Republic of Turkey and the European Commission Concerning the National Program for Turkey under the Instrument for Pre-accession Assistance – Transition Assistance and Institution Building Component for the Year 2013 was published in the Official Gazette dated 23.12.2015 and numbered 29571. • The Resolution of the Council of Ministers numbered 2015/8316 on the Ratification of the “Financing Agreement” and the Annexed “Cover Note” was published in the Official Gazette dated 23.12.2015 and numbered 29571. • The Resolution of the Council of Ministers numbered 2015/8344 on the Grant Agreement for the Chernobyl Fund between the Republic of Turkey represented by the Prime Ministry Undersecretaries of Treasury and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) was published in the Official Gazette dated 10.01.2016 and num- bered 29589. • The Resolution of the Council of Ministers numbered 2016/8376 on the Ratification of the Asya Altyapı Bank’s Establishment Agreement Approved by Law No. 6658 dated 06.01.2016 was published in the Official Gazette dated 13.01.2016 and numbered 29592. • The Law numbered 6662 regarding the Amending Protocol of Marrakech Agreement established the World Trade Or- ganization and the Approval of Trade Facilitation Agreement as Appropriate was published in the Official Gazette dated 27.01.2016 and numbered 29606. • The Law numbered 6668 regarding the Approval of the Pro- tocol numbered 15 amending the Convention in respect of the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms