
413 MISCELLANEOUS of the same. Pursuant to Article 52 of the Consumer Law, sellers and service providers are obliged to take necessary measures, establish an appropriate system, and maintain the same for consumers to conduct transactions with respect to notifications and demands regarding ter- mination of subscription agreements. Pursuant to Article 24 of the Subscription Regulation, sellers and service providers are obliged to fulfill termination requests within seven days starting from the receipt of the termination notice. The regulation foresees different terms for periodical publications. Such term is fifteen days for daily publications, one month for weekly pub- lications, and three months for monthly publications. For publications that have a longer period, termination demands must be fulfilled fol- lowing the first publication. Subscription agreements for electronic communication services are also regulated under the Regulation on Rights of Consumers in the Electronic Communication Sector published in the Official Gazette dated 28.07.2010 and numbered 27655 (“Electronic Communication Regulation”). Pursuant to Article 18 of the Electronic Communica- tion Regulation, service providers are obliged to notify consumers of receipt of a termination demand, within twenty-four hours of receipt, and to stop or slow the procurement of the service within twenty-four hours starting from such notification. In the event that the subscription is not terminated within the determined terms by the seller or service provider, pursuant to para- graph 5 of Article 52 of the Consumer Law, no remuneration may be demanded from the consumers for the goods or services provided following expiration of these terms. In the event of termination of a subscription agreement wherein the consumer undertakes to buy services or goods for a certain term, in the event of termination by the consumer, the remuneration is limited by the discount and the price of the service or good provided to the consumer, if any, as well as the unpaid invoices under the Article 16 of the Subscription Regulation. However, if the accrued remuneration for the remaining undertaking term is lower than the mentioned remu- neration, the lesser amount will be collected from the consumer. In the