
411 MISCELLANEOUS Termination of Subscription Agreements* Att. Melisa Sevinc Introduction Through digitalization and technological advancement, subscrip- tion of telecommunication services has become popular. According to the Turkish Statistical Institution, as of 2016, 76.3% of the house- holds in Turkey have access to the internet. Accordingly, subscription agreement related disputes between consumers and services or goods providers have increased significantly in recent years. In practice, some persons have claimed non-pecuniary damages for the deficient internet service 1 . Under this article, subscription agreements in terms of Turkish law are represented. Main Regulation Subscription agreements are mainly regulated under Law on Con- sumer Protection No. 6502 and dated 07.11.2013 (“Consumer Law”) and Regulation on Subscription Agreements published in the Official Gazette dated 24.01.2015 and numbered 29246 (“Subscription Regu- lation”). Pursuant to Article 52 of the Consumer Law, subscription agreements are agreements that consumers are granted with periodi- cally to order services or goods. General Information on Subscription Agreements Subscription agreements may be executed in writing or online. However, in each case, one hard copy or electronic copy of the agree- ment must be provided to the consumer. * Article of November 2016 1 Please refer to the Decision of 3rd Chamber of Court of Cassation dated 24.02.2014, file numbered 2013/18799, and decision numbered 2014/2717.