407 MISCELLANEOUS • the clubs will not spend more than their income and will catch the point where the total income and the total outcome of the club are equal (at a Break-Even Point), • budget deficits will be closed (Balanced Budget), • instead of overspending the money for astronomical transfer fees, financially strong and debt-free clubs will serve the development and continuity of football (Continuity), • expenditures made to improve the clubs and their infra- structure that are not recorded as expenses are encouraged because such investments do not affect the Balanced Budget. Enforcements In Case of Violation of the Rules In order to ensure the implementation of the FFP Rules, the UEFA established the independent Club Financial Control Body (“CFCB”), which has both Investigatory and Adjudicatory Chambers, in 2012. The CFCB’s Investigatory Chamber examines the financial reports and indebtedness of the clubs, and may offer settlement agreements if the clubs are committed to reduce expenses and debts. When these measures become inadequate, the relevant clubs may be brought to the Adjudicatory Chamber. As a result of the examinations of the Ad- judicatory Chamber, disciplinary measures set forth, below, may be imposed against the club 1 : a) Warning b) Reprimand c) Fine d) Deduction of points e) Withholding of revenues from a UEFA competition f) Prohibition on registering new players in UEFA competitions 1 Please see: =2064391.html (ac- cess date: 06.12.2016).
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