Founder and Senior Partner

Prof. Dr. H. Ercüment Erdem

Department Arbitration, Mergers and Acquisitions, Competition and Antitrust
Languages Turkish, English, French and German
Prof. Dr. H. Ercüment Erdem
Service Areas
Representative Matters


Ercument Erdem is the Founder and Senior Partner of Erdem & Erdem Law Office. He has more than 35 years of experience in international commercial law, mergers and acquisitions, banking and finance, capital markets, privatizations and arbitration. He represents a broad range of high-profile international and national clients in a variety of industries including energy, construction, finance, retail, real estate, aviation, healthcare and insurance.

He has extensive experience in cross-border projects concerning project finance, privatization, mergers and acquisitions and private equity transactions in wide geography including Europe, Asia countries.

He has successfully represented clients in many arbitration proceedings and enforcement claims in relation to arbitral awards obtained outside of Turkiye. He has acted as chairman and sole or party-appointed arbitrator in many international and national arbitrations under different rules including International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) Arbitration, Swiss Arbitration, Moscow Arbitration, United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (UNCITRAL) Arbitration, Tehran Arbitration, and ad hoc arbitrations. With his phenomenal record as an arbitrator and legal strategist, he is considered a towering figure in the broader legal community.

He has solid academic background. He is an emeritus professor and still continues to lecture in leading universities such as Galatasaray University in Turkey and Fribourg University in Switzerland. He has authored books on international trade law, competition law, mergers and acquisitions, commercial enterprise law, CIF sales, bonds, contracts etc. He has published numerous articles on commercial law, arbitration, competition, contracts and complex business litigation issues in national or international publications.

Ercüment Erdem has been ranked in “Hall of Fame” in Legal 500 EMEA Guide 2023 and he has been selected as one of the leading individuals in dispute resolution Chambers & Partners. He has been recognised as an Expert Consultant in Mergers and Acquisitions by IFLR 1000 and as a Global Leader in arbitration by Who is Who Legal. 

Service Areas

An alternative to courts is an arbitrator-led method of dispute resolution.
A field of law that deals with all commercial activities carried out by air.
Banking and Finance Law
Banking and Finance Law
A wide field of law that deals with loans, bonds, money and collaterals.
Capital Markets
Capital Markets
Transactions between fund owners and fund seekers with various investment instruments.
Competition and Antitrust
Competition and Antitrust
Field of law that regulates and protects competition in a free market economy.
Corporate Advisory
Corporate Advisory
It covers all stages of a company's life cycle, from incorporation to liquidation.
International Commercial Contracts
International Commercial Contracts
Agreements to which international actors are a party.
International Commercial Transactions
International Commercial Transactions
Complex international economic transactions that focus on international legal systems.
Success in dispute resolution depends on a vast multidisciplinary expertise.
Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions
The merger of two or more companies and the acquisition of one company by another.
Aims to improve economic efficiency by transferring public institutions and services to the private sector.
Project Finance
Project Finance
A special type of financing that focuses on the potential cash flow of the project.
Public Private Partnerships (PPP’s)
Public Private Partnerships (PPP’s)
A type of financing model realized between government and the private sector.
Start-ups and Equity Investments
Start-ups and Equity Investments
Includes the activities of venture capital funded companies and their sponsors.
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Representative Matters

International Arbitration
Domestic Arbitration
Mergers and Acquisitions
Banking and Finance
Capital Markets
  • ICC Arbitration - Co-arbitrator in a dispute arising from a cooperation framework agreement between two Nigerian companies in relation to electricity distribution
  • ICC Arbitration - Co-arbitrator in a dispute arising from a subcontractor agreement between a Turkish company and a French company regarding the manufacture and installation of power generator transformers
  • ICC Arbitration - Co-arbitrator in a dispute concerning the construction of a renewable energy power plant in Turkey
  • ICC Arbitration - Counsel for the Claimants, two Turkish individuals in a dispute arising from share purchase agreement against a Dutch company
  • ICC Arbitration - Counsel for the Respondent, a Turkish airport operator company, in a dispute arising from sale and purchase agreement with its Italian supplier
  • ICC Arbitration - Expert witness in a dispute arising from defect liability under a supply and installation agreement and an operation and maintenance services agreement
  • ICC Arbitration - Counsel for the Respondent in a dispute arising out of an agreement for the purchase of military vehicles
  • ICC Arbitration - Co-arbitrator in a dispute concerning a concession agreement between leading GSM company and Turkish state entities
  • ICC Arbitration - Counsel for the Respondent active in geothermal energy in a dispute arising from a sale and maintenance agreement with an Italian supplier.
  • ICC Arbitration - Chairman in a dispute arising out of a joint venture agreement between a Turkish joint stock company and French company
  • ICC Arbitration - Co-arbitrator in a dispute arising out of a contract between two Turkish joint stock company for the sale and purchase of natural gas
  • ICC Arbitration - Counsel for the Claimants, a Turkish soccer club in a dispute arising out of a sponsorship agreement by a United Arab Emirates Company
  • ICC Arbitration - Counsel for the Claimants active in glass manufacturing industry, in a dispute arising out of distribution agreement with a German distributor
  • ICC Arbitration - Counsel for Claimants in a dispute between a Turkish company and a Colombian company arising out of a share purchase agreement
  • ICC Arbitration - Sole arbitrator in a dispute arising out of a service agreement between a Moroccan company and a Jordanian company
  • ICC Arbitration - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute between an Australian and a Turkish company arising out of an enforcement of ICC award in Turkey regarding purchasing of goods
  • ICC Arbitration - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute between a French and a Turkish company arising out of an execution of ICC award in Turkey on company law
  • ICC Arbitration - Chairman in dispute arising out of a benzene sale contract between Iranian company and a Singapore company
  • ICC Arbitration - Co – arbitrator in a dispute arising out of a construction agreement relating to an industrial plant
  • ICC Arbitration - Co – arbitrator in a dispute arising out of a construction agreement relating to water supply
  • ICC Arbitration - Co – arbitrator in a dispute arising out of an intermediary agreement
  • ICC Arbitration - Co – arbitrator in a dispute arising out of an agency agreement between a Swiss corporation acting as an agent and a Turkish cement producer acting as principal 
  • ICC Arbitration - Expert witness in a dispute arising out of a shareholder agreement between a Chinese party and a Turkish party
  • ICC Arbitration - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of a motor vehicles distribution agreement
  • ICC Arbitration - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of a rolled steel sale agreement
  • CAS - Counsel for the Defendant, a Turkish football club, against one of its former players before the Court of Arbitration for Sport
  • CAS - Counsel for the Defendant, a Turkish sportive club, in the arbitration proceedings initiated by the head coach and his team of associate coaches before the Court of Arbitration for Sport
  • Tehran Arbitration - Co-arbitrator in a dispute arising out of a share transfer between an Iranian and Turkish Company in accordance with Tehran Arbitration rules 
  • Swiss Arbitration - Counsel for the Defendant in a dispute concerning share purchase agreement between a Turkish and a Russian oil company for an amount exceeding USD 260,000,000 in arbitation under Swiss Arbitration Rules
  • Ad Hoc Arbitration - Co – arbitrator in the dispute arising from the transfer of operating rights agreement for port operation
  • Ad Hoc Arbitration - Co – arbitrator in a dispute arising out of a service and equipment sale agreement
  • Moscow Arbitration - Defendant’s counsel in an arbitration arising out of a machinery supply agreement
  • Zurich Chamber of Commerce - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of a machinery supply agreement
  • UNCITRAL - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute arising between a Turkish governmental authority and a French company out of a hardware and software sale and installation agreement
  • UNCITRAL - Co-arbitrator in a dispute arising out of infrastructure construction dispute between an Asian state entity and a European construction company
  • American Arbitration Association - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of a sale agreement of heifer
  • American Arbitration Association - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of an execution of award in Turkey on sales of oil products between a Turkish and an American company 
  • Hamburg Börse - Claimant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of a sale agreement
  • GAFTA - Defendant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of a sale agreement
  • GAFTA - Expert opinion on formation of a sale agreement
  • Tatarstan Arbitration - Counsel for the Defendant, a Turkish construction company operating in Tatarstan, in a dispute with its subcontractor for the execution of an arbitral award in Turkey
  • Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) - Co- arbitrator in a dispute arising from a distribution agreement between a Turkish company and an Italian company
  • Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) - Counsel for Claimants in a dispute arising out of an electricity sales agreement
  • Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) - Counsel for Respondents and Counterclaimants in a dispute arising out of an electricity sales agreement
  • Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) - Counsel for the Respondent, a football club in four different cases arising out of non-payment of fees of football players
  • Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) - Co-arbitrator in a dispute arising from a distribution agreement of pharmaceutical product
  • Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) - Sole arbitrator in a dispute arising from a complex share transfer transaction
  • Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) - Co-arbitration in a dispute between two Turkish entities arising out of a shareholders agreement
  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce - Co-arbitrator in a dispute arising out of provision of hydro generators for a hydroelectric power plant in Turkey
  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce - Co-arbitrator in a dispute arising out of the sale of turbines for a power plant in Turkey
  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce - Defendant’s counsel in a dispute arising from a lease agreement between an airport operator company as landlord and the tenant
  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce - Co-arbitrator in a dispute between a Turkish construction company and a land owner arising out of a construction agreement
  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce - Counsel for the Claimant, a Turkish company, in a dispute arising out of a sale contract with a Ukraine company
  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce - Chairman in a dispute arising out of a construction agreement
  • Istanbul Chamber of Commerce - Defendant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of a financial consultancy service agreement
  • Izmir Chamber of Commerce - Chairman in a dispute arising out of a work contract
  • TOBB Arbitration - Co-arbitrator in 5 different cases arising from a subcontractor contract of a construction company
  • TOBB Arbitration - Sole arbitrator in a dispute arising from a share purchase agreement
  • TOBB Arbitration - Defendant’s counsel in a dispute arising out of a sale agreement of coal
  • TOBB Arbitration - Co – arbitrator in a dispute arising out of a construction agreement under the FIDIC rules
  • Lead counsel in the acquisition of chrome mineral operator companies, a ferrochrome factory located in Russia and a mine in Kazakhstan.
  • Represented Turkey’s first and biggest privately-owned pension fund in the purchase and transfer of 100% shares of a cement company from the Dutch - Turkish joint venture and represented it in the sale and transfer of 81,54% shares of a public company in Turkey.
  • Lead counsel in the sale and transfer of 15,446% shares of a company in glass industry to European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD).
  • Represented a Turkish group company in the acquisition of the shares of licensed energy companies Sarıkaya, Pegai and Rüzgartepe.
  • Project leader in the acquisition of 50% shares of Malta Freeport Ltd. from Malta Port for Euro 200 mio. He provided legal advice in drafting and negotiating the MoU, the share purchase agreement and other ancillary agreements.
  • Advised a glass company in the acquisition of Fritz Holding and its group companies in Germany, in the acquisition of majority shares of a car glass factory in Romania as well on the joint venture with French glass company Saint Gobain in Egypt and Russia for float glass and auto glass production and sale.
  • Advised a Turkish group company in the acquisition of the convertible bonds in exchange for the amount of USD 500 mio issued for the capital of CMA CGM, a shipping conglomerate
  • Represented a construction company in the tender for the acquisition of UN Ro-Ro. 
  • Project leader on the project financing worth of 330 Million Euros, including designing, construction and management (ancillary services) of Kayseri Integrated Health Campus Project, which is the first Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project in Turkey’s health care industry.
  • Advised a construction company in the joint financing for the construction and management of the new domestic terminal of Dalaman International Airport for 175 Million Dollars procured by EBRD and UniCredit Austria.
  • Advising Group Company in the project financing of a mine in Kazakhstan by EBRD and Unicredit for USD 260 mio.
  • Advised a construction company in the project financing of Mersin Port with a syndication of banks for USD 800 mio.
  • Advised an automotive company as Borrower in the Loan Agreement for USD 80 mio loan concluded with Merrill Lynch International
  • Advised a Turkish company for the investment trust on the termination and liquidation process
  • Acted as the Turkish counsel of a port company on bond issuance of USD 450 mio and acted for another Turkish company active in glass industry on bond issuance of USD 500 mio.
  • Prepared independent legal opinions for a state-owned bank's bond issuances
  • Regularly advised public companies on their capital markets transactions
  • Represented local and foreign companies as a lead counsel in the tender for privatization of Derince Port, İskenderun Port, Sea Buses Operations (IDO), Mersin Port, Fenerbahçe – Kalamış Yatch Port, İzmir Port, Sabiha Gökçen Airport, Antalya Airport, Petkim, POAŞ and Erdemir in Turkey, and Oslo Port in Norway
  • Represented an aviation company in the tender of privatization of a portfolio of more than 80 airports together including Goa, Amritsar, Jaipur, Ahmedabad, Channai, Koklata and Trivandrium Airports in India
  • Represented an aviation company as a lead counsel in a lot of cross-border tender processes for privatization projects such as International Airport (India-Mumbai (Bombay)), New Delhi Indira Gandhi Airport Cargo (India) and Queen Alia International Airport (Jordan)
  • Represented a foreign investor during the sale of a telecommunication company’s assets, which is the first GSM operator in Turkey

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Commercial Law Professor


Commercial Law Associate Professor


Research on American Law at Yale Law School


Doctorate in Switzerland Fribourg University (Manga Cum Laude)


Ankara University Institute of Social Sciences, Private Law LL.M.


Dokuz Eylül University, Faculty of Law


Istanbul University, Faculty of Law


Galatasaray High School



Newsletter Articles
Other Articles
  • “Rekabet Hukukunda Hub and Spoke Uygulaması”, Prof. Dr. Zühtü Aytaç’a Armağan, İstanbul 2022, p. 153 et seq.
  • “Rekabet Kurulunca Verilen Temel Para Cezalarına Esas Alınan Ciroya İlişkin Değerlendirmeler”, Doç. Dr. Nurkut İnan Armağanı, İstanbul 2022, p. 59 et seq.
  • “Turkish Report on the Application of Alternative Dispute Resolution Mechanisms in Security Interests and Insolvency Law” (to be published)
  • “Şirketler Hukukunda Tahkim: İsviçre Örneği, Alınacak Dersler ve Öneriler”, İstanbul Ticaret Odası Tahkim ve Arabuluculuk Merkezi (İTOTAM), İstanbul 2022, p. 67 et seq.
  • Turkey Chapter, The Legal 500 Country Comparative Guides: Banking and Finance (with Özgür Kocabaşoğlu and Didem Adlığ), 2022
  • Turkey Chapter, IFLR M&A Report (with Tuna Çolgar and Melissa Balıkçı Sezen), 2022
  • “Voluntary Document Production in Arbitration: Civil-Law Approach”, Cour Europeenne D’Arbitrage (European Court of Arbitration) Med-Mid Reports
  • Turkey Chapter, IFLR M&A Report (with Özgür Kocabaşoğlu), 2020
  • “MTO Mücbir Sebep ve Aşırı İfa Güçlüğü Maddeleri 2020 / ICC Force Majeure and Hardship Clause 2020”, Prof. Dr. Haluk Burcuoğlu’na Armağan, Volume I, İstanbul, 2020, p. 751 et seq.
  • “Incoterms® 2020” Liber Georgio Bernini (Fabrizio Marrella / Nicola Soldati (eds.), “Arbitration, Contracts and International Trade Law / Arbitrato, contratti e diritto del commercio internazionale. Essays in honor of Giorgio Bernini/ Studi in onore di Giorgio Bernini”, Milan, Giuffré – Francis Lefebvre, 2021)
  • “Şirketler Hukuku Uyuşmazlıklarının Tahkime Elverişliliği” Tahkim Anlaşması, İstanbul, June 2020, p.1 et seq.
  • “Yargıtay Kararları Işığında Yabancı Hakem Kararlarına İlişkin Tenfiz Engelleri” Legal Hukuk Dergisi, Prof. Dr. Ali Necip Ortan’a Armağan, Volume 8, Issue 32, 2019 p. 923 et seq.
  • “Revision of the ICC Force Majeure and Hardship Clause” Dossier XVII: Hardship and Force Majeure in International Commercial Contracts, Paris 2018, p. 121 et seq.
  • “Türkei”, Konfliktmanagement im internationalen Rectsverkehr (Hrsg. Johannes Landbrecht / Simon Gabriel), Bern, 2017, p. 221 et seq.
  •  “Où va la clause d’arbitrage?” Où va l’arbitrage international? De la crise au renouveau, Lexis Nexis, İstanbul, avril 2016, p.55 et seq.
  • “Viyana Satım Antlaşması Uyarınca Teamüllerin Önemi” Prof. Dr. Cevdet Yavuz Armağanı – İstanbul, 2016, 1.Volume, p.1025 et sec.
  • “Tahkim Anlaşması”, Prof. Dr. Hamdi Yasaman’a Armağan, Istanbul, January 2017, p. 241 et seq.
  • “Navigating Through Turkey’s Project Finance Industry”, World Finance, January – February 2017, p.138-139.
  • The Turkish Competition Board clears a merger in view of coordination effects (Promak/Akpol), e-Competitions, 2016
  • The Turkish Competition Board grants individual exemption to an agreement signed on broadcasting rights (Turkish Basketball Federation/ Digiturk), e-Competitions, 2016
  • “Anonim Ortaklıkların Bölünmesinde Alacaklıların Korunması” Prof. Dr. Seza Reisoğlu’na Armağan, Ankara 2016/XII, p. 311 et seq.
  • “Istanbul Arbitration Center (ISTAC) Rules of Arbitration” Expert Guide Commercial Arbitration, September 2016, p.46 et sec.
  •  “İsviçre Şirketler Hukukuna İlişkin Kanun Taslağı ve Taslağın Türk Hukukuna Etkisi” Batıder 60. Yıl Armağan, Ankara 2015, p.138 et seq.
  • Turkey Chapter, The Projects and Construction Review, 5th Edition, 2015
  • Les impacts de l’Union Européenne sur le nouveau Code de commerce turc, L’influence du droit européen en Turquie et en Suisse, 2015
  • Prominence of sukuk in Turkey as an Islamic finance instrument”, The Euromoney Emerging Markets Handbook 2015, p. 22 et seq.
  • The Turkish Competition Board Rejects an acquisition of the Marinas (Beta Marina / Setur), e-Competitions, 2015
  • “Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun Anonim Şirketler Genel Kurulları için Getirdiği Yenilikler”, Bahçeşehir Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Volume 9, No. 117-118, p.29 et seq.
  • Turkey Chapter, The Projects and Construction Review, 4th Edition, 2014
  • The Turkish Competition Board Imposes fine for failing to notify of the establishment of a joint venture (Anayurt), e-Competitions, 2014
  • The Grand National Assembly of Turkey amends the Act on the Protection of Competition, e-Competitions, 2014
  • The Turkish Competition Authority submits to public consultation the Regulation Project on Fines to apply in cases of violations of the Act on the Protection of Competition, e-Competitions, 2014
  • The Turkish Competition Board authorizes the acquisition of a Turkish water supplier by a multinational company (Sirma / Danone), e-Competitions, 2014
  •  “Yönetim Kurulunun Oluşumu, Yetkileri ve Yetki Devri”, Yeni Türk Ticaret Kanunu’nun İş Dünyasına Etkileri, İstanbul Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi, 2014, p.25 et seq.
  • “Lex Mercatoria ve Uluslararası Ticarette Örf ve Adetin Önemi”, Uluslararası Ticari Tahkim ve Yeni Lex Mercatoria. İstanbul Kemerburgaz Üniversitesi, İstanbul 2014, p. 37 et seq.
  • “Yargıtay Kararları Işığında Limited Şirketin Haklı Nedenle Feshi”, XXVII. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu, 27 Aralık 2013, p.45 et seq.
  • The Turkish Competition Authority issues the communiqué on the procedures and principles to be pursued in pre-notifications and authorization applications to be filed with the NCA in order for acquisitions via privatization to become legally valid (Communiqué No. 2013/2), e-Competitions, 2013
  • “Yabancı Hakem Kararlarının Tenfizinde Yazılılık Koşulu”, XXVI. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu, Ankara 2013, p.9 et seq.
  • “Viyana Satım Antlaşması’na Göre Alıcı ve Satıcının Borçlarının İhlalinin Sonuçları ve Türk Hukuku ile Karşılaştırılması” Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2013/1, p.259 et seq.
  • “Birleşme, Bölünme ve Tür Değiştirmede Yeni Davalar” Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2013/2, p.113 et seq.
  •  “Nama Yazılı Hisse Senetlerine İlişkin Olarak Uygulamada Ortaya Çıkan Bazı Sorunlar ve Yeni TTK’nın Çözümleri”, XXV. Ticaret Hukuku ve Yargıtay Kararları Sempozyumu, Ankara 2012, p. 95 et seq.
  • “Türk Ticaret Kanunu Uyarınca Ticari İşletmenin Devri”, Prof. Dr. Aydın Zevkliler’e Armağan, Yaşar Üniversitesi Electronic Journal, Volume 8, Special Issue 2013, p. 987 et seq.
  • The Turkish Competition Board decides that a mechanical door lock manufacturer did not abuse its dominant position through various pricing practices (Kale Kilit), e-Competitions, 2012
  • The Turkish Competition Board submits to public consultation a draft guidelines relating to horizontal cooperation agreements including the exchange of information between competitors, e-Competitions, 2012
  • The Turkish Competition Board decides that there is no abuse of dominant position in the ice-cream-market (Unilever Sanayi ve Ticaret Türk), e-Competitions, 2012
  • The Turkish Competition Authority issues a new "communiqué" on complaint procedure relating to competition infringements, e-Competitions, 2012
  •  “Viyana Satım Antlaşması’na Genel Bakış ve Maddi Uygulama Alanı”, Yeni Türk Borçlar Kanunu ve CISG’ye göre Satış Sözleşmeleri, ed. Şükran Şıpka / Ahmet Cemil Yıldırım, Istanbul 2012, p.117 et seq.
  • “Ticaret Şirketlerinin Bölünmesi – Tür Değişiklikleri”, Bankacılar Dergisi, December 2011, Volume 79, p. 80 et seq.
  • “Ticari İşletme Rehninde Güncel Sorunlar”, Bankacılar Dergisi, March 2011, Volume 76, p. 42 et seq. 
  • “Incoterms® 2010”, Prof. Dr. Köksal Bayraktar’a Armağan, Istanbul 2011.
  • The Turkish Competition Authority unconditionally clears the acquisition of the hard disk drive business of a leading IT company (Seagate/Samsung), e-Competitions, 2011
  • The Turkish Competition Board rules that the tying arrangements on cartridges implemented by leading printers manufacturer does not constitute an abuse of dominant position (Xerox), e-Competitions, 2011
  • The Turkish competition board investigates price fixing and non-compete provisions in franchising agreements (DiaSA/Complaining Franchisees), e-Competitions, 2011
  • The Turkish Competition Board imposes heavy fines on banking cartel (Akbank, Denizbank, Finans Bank, Turkiye Garanti Bankasi), e-Competitions, 2011
  • The Turkish Competition Authority releases new guidelines for mergers and acquisitions, e-Competitions, 2011
  • The Role of Trade Usages in ICC Arbitration, in Liber Amicorum for the honour of Serge Lazareff, Paris 2011, s.247-265
  • The Turkish Competition Board authorizes a joint control acquisition in the sector of manufacture and sale of components and systems for automotive and motor vehicles (Mahle/Behr),     e-Competitions, 2011
  • “Successions et sociétés”, Rapport général présenté aux Journées roumaines de l’Association Henri Capitant, Les successions, Tome LX, 2010. 
  • “Enerji Şartı Antlaşması Çerçevesinde Uyuşmazlıkların Çözümü”, 16. Uluslararası Enerji ve Çevre Fuarı ve Konferansı, ICCI 2010, Konferans Kitabı, p. 124-128.
  • “Viyana Satım Anlaşması’nda Sözleşmeden Dönme”, Prof. Dr. Rona Serozan’a Armağan, Istanbul 2010.
  • “Resolving International Trade Disputes through Arbitration”, Anniversary Volume for Prof. Dr. Fırat Öztan, Ankara 2010.
  • The Turkish competition board grants a conditional authorization to an acquisition in the alcoholic beverages market (Burgaz / Mey), e-Competitions, 2010
  • The Turkish Competition Board decides that several chicken producers and their professional association distorted competition by establishing a cartel and inflicts fines, e-Competitions, 2010
  • The Turkish Competition Authority announces draft mergers and acquisitions system, e-Competitions, 2010
  • The Turkish competition board investigates price fixing and non-compete provisions in franchising agreements (DiaSA/Complaining Franchisees), e-Competitions, 2010
  • Turkey: A review of merger commitments, e-Competitions, 2010
  • “Yoğunlaşmaların Kontrolünde Taahhüt ve Şartlı İzin”, Prof. Dr. Reha Poroy’un Anısına Armağan, Batider, Tome XXV, Volume 4, p. 135 et seq. 
  • “Türk ve İsviçre Hukuklarında Denkleştirme Talebi”, İsviçre Borçlar Kanunu’nun İktibasının 80. Yılında İsviçre Borçlar Hukuku’nun Türk Ticaret Hukuku’na Etkileri, Istanbul 2009, p. 197-300.
  • “Türk ve İsviçre Hukuklarında Eşit İşlem İlkesi”, İsviçre Borçlar Kanunu’nun İktibasının 80. Yılında İsviçre Borçlar Hukuku’nun Türk Ticaret Hukuku’na Etkileri, Istanbul 2009, p. 93-524.
  • “Enerji Projelerinde Uyuşmazlıkların Çözümü”, Uluslararası Enerji ve Çevre Konferansı ICCI 2009, Konferans Kitabı, p. 95-100.
  • The Turkish Competition board grants conditional authorization for the complete acquisition of Financière Lafarge by the Army Solidarity institution, e-Competitions, 2009
  • The Turkish Competition Board publishes a guide to vertical agreements,           e-Competitions, 2009
  • Joint Liability: H Ercüment Erdem of Erdem & Erdem discusses board of director liabilities following 2001’s banking crisis, IFLR 1000 Client Guide 2009
  • The Turkish Competition Board grants the benefit of the vertical agreement block exemption Communiqué to a distribution agreement and the related usufruct agreement in the liquid fuel sector (Pol Pet / M-Oil), e-Competitions, 2009
  • In support of lex mercatoria: Ercüment Erdem and Ceyda Süral of Erdem & Erdem Law Office discuss the merits of lex mercatoria in international arbitration, IFLR 1000 Litigation Guide 2009 Edition
  • ICC Model Contracts, Anniversary Volume for Prof. Erdoğan Teziç, Galatasaray University Publications, Anniversary Series No. 5, Istanbul, 2009
  •  “Satıcının Malları ve Belgeleri Teslim Borcu”, Milletlerarası Mal Satımlarına İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesi, Bilgi University, Istanbul 2008.
  • “Les sanctions en cas d’atteintes à la concurrence en droit turc”, Mélanges en l’honneur de Pierre Tercier, 2008, s. 587 vd.
  • The Turkish competition board re-evaluates a complaint of abuse of dominant position in the pharmaceutical sector upon the annulment decision of the State Council (Roche Mustahzarlar), e-Competitions, 2008
  • The Turkish Competition Authority adopts guidelines on certain subcontracting agreements between non-competitors, e-Competitions, 2008
  • The Turkish Competition Authority approves a joint venture in the construction services market (Goldman Sachs-TAV Yatırım Holding), e-Competitions, 2008
  • The Turkish competition board, while accepting the failing company defense, clears a merger conditional to remedies in the daily political newspapers market (Vatan Newspaper / Dogan Group), e-Competitions, 2008
  • The Turkish Competition Authority adopts a notice on the definition of relevant market (Notice 08-04/56-M), e-Competitions, 2008
  • The Turkish Competition Authority adopts block exemption guidelines on technology transfer agreements on the basis of EC Reg. No 772/2004, e-Competitions, 2008
  • “Le contrôle des concentrations d’entreprises”, La Turquie de la Candidature à l’adhésion : l’approriation de l’Acquis Communautaire (sous la direction de Pierre le Mire), Paris 2007, s. 55 et seq.
  • The Turkish Competition Board authorizes the assignment of the operational rights of the Antalya airport to third parties (Antalya Gazipaşa Airport/Aydoğan-Gazipasa-TAV), e-Competitions, 2007
  • The Turkish Competition Board revokes the block exemption granted to distribution contracts in the non-alcoholic beverages sector (Coca-Cola), e-Competitions, 2007
  • Turkish Competition Board clears a major acquisition in the industrial, medical and special gases sector considering, inter alia, non-compete provisions to be ancillary restrictions (Linde Gaz/BOS), e-Competitions, 2007
  • The Turkish Competition Board holds as not abusive a refusal to supply in the glass market (Anadolu Cam), e-Competitions, 2007
  • “ICC Tahkiminde Milletlerarası Mal Satım Sözleşmelerine İlişkin Birleşmiş Milletler Antlaşmasının Önemi”, Milletlerarası Tahkim Semineri, November 3, 2006, Ankara.
  • “Les sanctions en cas d’atteintes à la concurrence en droit turc”, Journées marocaines de l’Association Henri Capitant, La concurrence, Tome LVI, 2006. 
  • International Arbitration in Turkey with Special Emphasis on the International Arbitration Act, Les cahiers de l'arbitrage, No. 2006/1, Gazette du Palais, Year 126, p. 111-112.
  • Les rapports entre la société et le contrat en droit turc, Les nouvelles fonctions de la propriété, Rapport présenté aux Journées brésilienne de l'Association Henri Capitant, May 2005.
  • “1/2003 sayılı Konsey Tüzüğü ve Türk Rekabet Hukukuna Etkileri”, Prof. Dr. Erden Kuntalp’a Armağan, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 1/2004.
  • “Rekabet Hukukunda Yan Sınırlamalar”, Rekabet Kurumu Perşembe Konferansları, October 21, 2004, Ankara.
  • “Teşebbüslerarası Yoğunlaşma İşlemlerinin Denetlenmesine İlişkin 20 Ocak 2004 tarihli ve 139/2004 Sayılı AT Konsey Tüzüğü ile Getirilen Değişiklikler”, Rekabet Hukukunda Güncel Gelişmeler Sempozyumu, April 8, 2004, Kayseri.
  • “Lex Mercatoria ve ICC Tahkimi”, Milletlerarası Tahkim Semineri, April 6, 2004, Ankara.
  • Les changements entrainés par le règlement 139/2004/ce du 20 janvier 2004 du conseil relatif au contrôle des operations de concentration entre les entreprises, 4th European Week, 4-5 December 2004, Istanbul
  • Les dispositions du nouveau CC turc concernant le gage immobilier libellé en monnaie étrangère (together with Prof. Nami Barlas), Journées de Droit Turco-Suisse, May 12, 2004, Istanbul.
  •  “Les nouvelles fonctions de la propriété”, Journées Vietnamiennes de l'Association Henri Capitant, La propriété, Tome LIII, 2003.
  • “Tek Satıcılık Sözleşmesinde Denkleştirme Talebi (Müşteri Tazminatı)”, Prof. Dr. Ünal Tekinalp’e Armağan, Istanbul 2003.
  • “Halka Açık Anonim Ortaklıkların Birleşmesi”, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 2/2002.
  • “Rekabet Hukuku ve Haksız Rekabet İlişkisi”, Ömer Teoman’a Armağan, Istanbul 2002.
  • “Rekabet Hukuku Açısından Birleşme ve Devralmalarda (Yoğunlaşmalarda) Yan Sınırlamalar”, Prof. Dr. Kemal Oğuzman’a Armağan, Galatasaray Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, 1/2002.
  • Les droits des actionnaires minoritaires en droit turc des societes anonymes, Rapport turc présenté aux journées mexicaines de l'Association Henri Capitant, May 2002
  • The Turkish Competition Board clears an acquisition in the special chemicals industry sector (Eliokem Holding/Goodyear Chemicals), e-Competitions, 2002
  • “Incoterms 2000”, Prof. Dr. Hayri Domaniç’e 80. Yaş Günü Armağanı, Istanbul 2001.
  • “Limited Şirkette Payın Rehni”, Prof. Dr. Seyfullah Edis’e Armağan (Arş. Gör. Can Göksoy ile birlikte), Izmir 2000.
  • Les concentrations en droit de la concurrence turc et suisse, Annales de la Faculté de Droit d’Istanbul, Istanbul 2000, p.203 et seq.
  • “Türk-İsviçre Rekabet Hukuklarında Birleşme ve Devralmalar”, Prof. Dr. Erdoğan Moroğlu’na Armağan, Istanbul 1999.
  • Quelques réflexions sur la loi de la privatization, Anniversary Volume for Prof. Ali Bozer, Ankara 1998
  • L’ordre public dans le droit du commerce international, Rapport presente aux journees libanaises de L'Association Henri Capitant, May 1998
  • L’etranger dans la vie des affaires, Rapport turc (Avec Prof. Dr. Mahmut T. Birsel), rapport presente aux journees luxembourgeoise de l'Association Henri Capitant, May 25-29, 1997
  • “Développements récents en droit de société anonyme turc”, rapport présenté aux Journeées Turco-Suisse d'Istanbul, 7-9 Octobre 1996, Anniversary Volume for Prof. Şükrü Postacıoğlu, Ankara 1997, p. 225 et seq.
  • “FOB Satışlar”, Batider, C. XVIII, S. 4, p. 33 et seq, Ankara 1996.
  • Overview on Turkish Competition Law, e-Competitions, 1994
  • “La protection de la personnalité économique et la concurrence déloyale”, La Protection de la Personnalité, Contributions en l'honneur de Pierre Tercier pour ses cinquante ans, Fribourg 1993, p. 165 et seq.
  • “Yurtdışından Alınan Yatırım Kredilerinin Cebri İcrası Yoluyla Tahsilinde Ortaya Çıkan Sorunlar” (Prof.Dr. Mahmut Birsel ile Birlikte), Türk, İngiliz ve ABD Hukukunda İşletmelerin Ödeme Güçlüğü Sorunları ve Banka İlişkileri Sempozyumu, Istanbul 1993, p. 101 et seq.
  • “Uluslararası Mal Satışı Hakkında 11 Nisan 1980 tarihli Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesinin Uygulama Alanı”, İzmir Barosu Dergisi, January 1989, Volume 1 p. 90 et seq.
  • “Pay Senetleri ile Değiştirilebilir Tahviller”, Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi Hukuk Fakültesi Dergisi, Tome 3, Volume 1-4, Ankara 1988, p. 701 et seq.
  • “Finansal Kiralama Sözleşmesinde Şekil”, İzmir Barosu Dergisi, January 1988, Volume 1 p. 56 et seq. 
  • Milletlerarası Ticaret Hukuku, Güncellenmiş ve Genişletilmiş 2.Edition, İstanbul 2020
  • Türk Ticaret Kanunu ile İlgili Makaleler (2009-2016)
  • Milletlerarası Ticaret Hukuku, İstanbul 2017
  • Milletlerarası Ticaret Hukuku ile İlgili Makaleler (2007-2016), İstanbul 2017
  • Milletlerarası Ticaret Hukuku ile İlgili Makaleler, Istanbul 2008.
  • Rekabet Hukuku ile İlgili Makaleler, Istanbul 2007.
  • Türk ve AT Rekabet Hukukunda Birleşme ve Devralmalar, Rekabetin Korunması Hakkında Kanun, Rekabet Kurulu Tebliğleri, AT Konsey Tüzüğü (4064/89), Istanbul 2003.
  • Sif (CIF) Satışlar, Istanbul 1999, 
  • Anonim Şirketlerin Çıkardığı Senetler ve Sermaye Piyasası Hukukuna Giriş Sermaye Piyasası Kanunu ile Birlikte), Ders Notları, Ankara 1995. 
  • Ticari İşletme Hukuku Ders Notları (Prof.Dr. İrfan Baştuğ ile Birlikte), Ankara 1993. 
  • Milletlerarası Mal Satım Sözleşmeleri Hakkında Birleşmiş Milletler Sözleşmesi (Viyana Satım Sözleşmesi metni ile beraber), Ankara 1992.
  • KİT’lerin Tacir Sıfatı, Ankara 1992.  
  • La livraison des marchandises selon la Convention de Vienne, Fribourg 1990 (Phd thesis). 
  • Incoterms 2020, Ankara 2020.
  • Incoterms 2010, Ankara 2010.
  • Incoterms 2000, Ankara 2000.
  • Translation of Swiss Federal Court’ Decision (ATF 116 II 436), Default in Commercial Sale, Batıder, C. XV, S. 4, p. 149 et seq.
  • Translation of Swiss Federal Court’ Decision (ATF 116 II 441), Menkul Satımı - Ademi İfa - Gecikme Yüzünden Zarar, Batıder, Tome XVI, Volume 1, p. 111 et seq.
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Istanbul Bar Association
Istanbul Bar Association
ICC Incoterms Experts Group
ICC Incoterms Experts Group
Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française
Association Henri Capitant des Amis de la Culture Juridique Française
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Advisory Council of Banking and Commercial Law Research Institute
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Association Suisse de l’Arbitrage (ASA)
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